TG - City Hacking: How to Build a Digital City from the Grassroots Up

As technology spreads into every corner of city dwellers’ lives, local technologists — or “civic hackers” — are stepping up to build new tools that re-engineer the relationship citizens have with their governments and communities. The results are applications of civic technology that tap our networked culture to create more engaged, collaborative communities.

Across the country, Code for America's extended network of volunteer Brigades are using these tools and processes to give local government the capacity to more relevant with technology. This will workshop will highlight some of the most impactful work being done in urban prototyping, hackathons, and broader open source communities and then demonstrate a strategic framework for realizing the promise of grassroots digital city in their own hometowns.

Jack Madans
Jack Madans
Christopher Whitaker
Derek Eder
Juan-Pablo Velez
Josh Kalov
Demond Drummer