Call For Workshop, Paper, and Panel Proposals

The Call For Workshop, Paper, and Panel Proposals is now open, and will close on Thursday, November 8 at 5:00pm PT. We welcome workshops, panels and
papers along five themes:
1. Envisioning 21st Century Civic Education
2. Youth Media and Youth Movements: Organizing, Innovation, Liberation
3. Whose Change Is It Anyway? Futures, Youth, Technology and Citizen Action in the Global South (and the rest of the world)
4. Tech for Governance: Community-Driven Innovation
5. Digital Media and Learning

Early online registration for the Conference will begin in December. In the meantime, you can receive DML2013 updates in a number of ways:
1. Sign up for the dmlhub-l listserv
2. Add the Conference News feed to your Feed Reader
3. 'Like' the DML Hub Facebook Page
4. Follow @dmlconference and #DML2013 on Twitter


If you have any DML2013 questions, please visit the Contact page for more info.